- M. Wiebold, Y. T. Sung, J. E. Scharer. "Ion Acceleration in a Helicon Source Due to the Self-Bias Effect." Physics of Plasmas, vol. 19, no. 5, pg 053503 (2012).
- M. Wiebold, Y. T. Sung, J. E. Scharer. "Experimental Observation of Ion Beams in the MadHeX Helicon Source." Physics of Plasmas vol. 18, no. 6 pg. 063501 (2011).
M. Wiebold, H. Ren, C. M. Denning, J. E. Scharer. "Low pressure helicon discharge initiation via magnetic field ramping." IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science vol. 37, no. 11, pg. 2110 (2009).
C. M. Denning, M. Wiebold, J. E. Scharer. "Observations of neutral depletion and plasma acceleration in a flowing high-power argon helicon plasma." Physics of Plasmas vol. 15, no. 7, pg. 072115 (2008).
- M. Wiebold, Y. Sung, J. E. Scharer. "Ion Beam Observation in the Madhex Helicon Source," 38th IEEE International Conference on Pulsed Power and Plasma Science, Chicago, IL 2011.
- M. Wiebold, J. E. Scharer, Y. Sung. "Ion Acceleration in the Madison Helicon Experiment," APS 53rd Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, Salt Lake City, UT 2011.
- M. Wiebold, J. E. Scharer, Y. Sung. "Electron Temperature and Ion Beam Scaling with RF Input Power in an Argon Helicon Plasma," APS 52nd Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, Chicago, IL 2010.
- J. E. Scharer, M. Wiebold, Y. Sung. "Improved Matching and Plasma Formation Using Frequency Tuning During RF Pulsing in a Helicon Source," APS 52nd Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, Chicago, IL 2010.
- R. Giar, J. E. Scharer, M. Wiebold. "Laser initiated, RF sustained air plasmas," APS 52nd Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, Chicago, IL 2010.
- M. Wiebold, J. E. Scharer, Y. Sung. "Initial Laser Induced Fluorescence Measurements in the MadHeX Expansion Chamber and Electron Temperature Scaling with Pulsed RF Power," 37th IEEE International Conference on Pulsed Power and Plasma Science, Norfolk, VA 2010.
- J. E. Scharer, M. Wiebold. "Laser Induced Fluorescence in a High Power Argon Helicon Plasma," 37th IEEE International Conference on Pulsed Power and Plasma Science, Norfolk, VA 2010.
- M. Wiebold, J. E. Scharer, H. Ren. "Low Pressure Discharge Initiation and LIF Diagnostic in a High Power Argon Helicon Plasma," APS 51st Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, GA 2009.
- M. Wiebold, J. E. Scharer, H. Ren. "Non Invasive Measurement on the Pulsed and Steady-State, High Power MadHeX Helicon Plasma Thruster," 31st International Electric Propulsion Conference. Ann Arbor, MI 2009.
- M. Wiebold, H. Ren, J. E. Scharer. "Measurements of neutral depletion effects and techniques for initiating low pressure, high power helicon plasmas," 36th IEEE International Conference on Pulsed Power and Plasma Science, San Diego, CA 2009.
- M. Wiebold, H. Ren, J. E. Scharer. "Neutral depletion and plasma flows in a pulsed high power helicon plasma," 36th IEEE International Conference on Pulsed Power and Plasma Science. San Diego, CA 2009.
- M. Wiebold, C. M. Denning, J. E. Scharer. Diagnostics and neutral depletion measurements of a high power helicon plasma with magnetic nozzle. APS 50th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics. Dallas, TX 2008.
- C. M. Denning, M. Wiebold, J. E. Scharer, “Neutral depletion and ion acceleration in a flowing high power argon helicon plasma,” APS 50th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, Dallas, TX 2008.
- C. M. Denning, M. Wiebold, J. E. Scharer. "Observations of neutral depletion and ion acceleration in a high-power argon helicon plasma," 35th IEEE International Conference on Pulsed Power and Plasma Science, Karlsruhe, Germany 2008.
- C. M. Denning, J. E. Scharer, M. Wiebold, "Laser-induced fluorescence and probe measurements on an argon helicon plasma with magnetic nozzle," 34th IEEE International Conference on Pulsed Power and Plasma Science, Albuquerque, NM 2007.
- (Invited) J. E. Scharer, C. M. Denning, M. Wiebold, A. Degeling, R. Boswell, "Excited Ar II emission characteristics in helicon plasmas," APS 49th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, Orlando, FL 2007.
- C. M. Denning, M. Wiebold, J. E. Scharer, “Measurements of ion flow and neutral depletion in an argon helicon plasma with a magnetic nozzle,” APS 49th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, Orlando, FL 2007.
- M. Wiebold, A. Ingle. RFID and Metamaterials: Now Things Get Interesting. UWEBC RFID Quarterly Workgroup Meeting, December 2009.
- G. Graham, A. Gutierrez, M. Wiebold. RFID-Enabled Parking Access UWEBC RFID Quarterly Workgroup Meeting, September 2008.
- M. Wiebold, H. Ren, C. M. Denning, J. E. Scharer. Neutral Depletion and Particle Acceleration in an Argon Helicon Plasma. Wisconsin Helicon Group Presentation, April 2008.